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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Book of the House Within - The House Within

Like all that’s built, however magnificent it may be, it will not stand without a base. A strong foundation is the key.

The house within, built of warmth, love, compassion, friendship, sharing, peace, is a shield against all assailants. May your shield protect you and keep you safe. May your inner house be strong.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Welcome

A symphony of gifts flows through my veins and wells up within, received from all my kindred souls. I feel their spirits that like mine, by enriching are themselves enriched.

You whisper into our consciousness on silver tipped wings and touch our spirits as though it was always meant to be. Thank you for coming, and welcome.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Sharing

My courage builds with each return, the strength of what I am. The gift I hold within my soul bursts forth upon the universe.
I cast my soul – my very being – out upon the waters so all that thirst may drink of it and know who I am.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Sharing

And you were there – precious you with whom to share my fulfillment.

And into moments such as these pass memories, joyous once again to behold, reflecting futures yet undreamed, glorious in their mystery. Thank you for your passion, for sharing, for your thoughts, for you.