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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Place

Though daily onslaughts all around, and though fresh wounds abound to shake my essence, I bravely turn to face the storm.
Amid life’s chaos, din and clamor, there is a place within the universe – a private place no one can see, Where you may rest, and having rested – gather strength – to be all that you can be.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Cradle

And yet the burdens thrust upon me do not leave me unscathed. If only I cast my spirit upon that which I know to be within my grasp, my wounds will heal.

Cradled in my thorny nest, I seek – I search – I cannot find the sun. The light – the light, I need the light to warm my soul and softly bathe the wounds I bear.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Courage

My courage builds with each return, the strength of what I am. The gift I hold within my soul bursts forth upon the universe.

I cast my soul – my very being – out upon the waters so all that thirst may drink of it and know who I am.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Flower

All around me, suddenly there is beauty to behold. Where once there was only darkness, now there is brilliant light. How could I have been so blind to the things that so enrich my life?
Oh flower, perfect flower, I should envy your dazzling beauty. Yet I cannot but gaze upon your perfect symmetry and feel – not envy, but enrichment by your perfect presence.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections

A symphony of gifts flows through my veins and wells up within, received from all my kindred souls. I feel their spirits that like mine, by enriching are themselves enriched.

You whisper into our consciousness on silver tipped wings and touch our spirits as though it was always meant to be. Thank you for coming, and welcome.