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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Being

Finally, at last I see that every breath I take - my every thought, my every gesture affects each fragment of the universe in concert with my own being.

Let not the unknown dominate your soul. Know only that each spirit has its place in the unerring dance that binds all together inextricably, and that each, while bound, is still free to fly to its own perfect destiny.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Reflections - Imprint

Secret eyes gaze out upon the universe and see – not the daily toil and human struggle, but the underlying primal pulse – the driving force of life itself – the stirring of the spirit.

We gasp in awe and wonder at the seeds of dreams growing into reality – taking hold, mushrooming into fullness – bearing fruit – reaching for the summit – following the imprint ordained in the law of creation – and take our courage.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Excaliber - Chaos

Though chaos rains down upon my being, it can no longer pierce my armor for I have conquered all that assails me. I have found the eye of the storm where the stillness holds my power.

Amid the darkness chaos reigns with searing blows. Seek not the darkness but the light. Rise, rise through the eye of the storm and gently claim your peace.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Echoes of the Universe - The Book of Excaliber - Tree of Sorrow

For I have seen the darkness – without hope, without redemption. But once touched by the light – by the enormity of my own spirit – none shall keep me from it – ever.

To frolic endlessly in denial of the winds of darkness – bends the tree to weep in sorrow. Take heart – stand fast that precious dreams be not destroyed, but stand tall against the storm.