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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Book of Celebration - Genesis

Sometimes I think; what earthly purpose can our existence serve? Why are we born to this life of misery and emptiness? Who can but wonder at the steps we take toward our end, from Genesis to – what?

The Genesis within transcends our brief journey and fills the spirit from the Genesis of time itself. We are what always was, what is, and what will be. Awaken the spirits of the past who live within your very soul. Walk boldly into the fullness of time.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Book of Celebration - Fulfillment

As day follows night, life’s treadmill presses down and extinguishes all thought of flight. No longer do we mourn the death of dreams once held. Nor do we give birth to new dreams and hopes only to be dragged along the journey into darkness from which there is no escape.

Let not the mind harness the soul to the mundane. Teach it instead to take wing and fly to its boundless limits and bring you joy and fulfillment.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Book of Celebration - Homage

Alone, alone, alone. Each being is like an island unto itself, aimlessly adrift on the ocean of life’s journey. Cast upon the waters, we pass our fellow souls amid a sea of isolation. Seeking, reaching out of the darkness of the abyss – is there no one to touch?

When we have finally paid homage to all living things, when we have acknowledged the delicate balance in which we exist, then – only then will our spirits rise to the summit of all creation in mutual embrace.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Book of Celebration - Glimpses

But I am nothing – no more than a grain of sand on the seashore – a speck of dust in the universe. My presence is not more than this. How then in my invisibility am I to be counted?

Glimpses – flashes of light – in a heartbeat the spirit wells up from secret places, if only for a moment. Seize the moment! Take flight – soar to the very Zenith of your soul. Celebrate you.